Ocean Drive Madrid Plaza de Isabel II, 7, 28013 Madrid, Spain (+34) 910 882 804 odmadrid@od-hotels.com @oceandrivemadrid Hotel España Carrer de Sant Pau, 9-11 +34 935 50 00 00 info@hotelespanya.com @hotelespanya Ocean Drive Talamanca C/ Jesús, 28, Playa Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 19 12 odtalamanca@od-hotels.com @oceandrivetalamanca Ocean Drive Ibiza Marina Botafoch / Playa de Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 81 12 odoceandrive@od-hotels.com @oceandriveibiza Ocean Drive Sevilla Plaza de la Encarnación, 15, Sevilla +34 955 44 55 05 odsevilla@od-hotels.com @oceandrivesevilla Can Jaume by Ocean Drive Cami de Ca n'Arabi, Puig d'en Valls - (+34) 971 31 88 55 info@canjaume.org @canjaumebyoceandrive
- Cinema ParadisoSaturday, 18th November 2023 20:00
Ocean Drive Ibiza (Ibiza) Welcome to Cinema Paradiso at the iconic Sky Bar of Hotel Ocean Drive Ibiza! Get ready for a unique outdoor cinema experience. This time, we're presenting one of cinema's timeless classics, Pulp Fiction, under the starlit canopy of the Ibiza sky, with the mesmerizing views of La Marina harbor as our backdrop.Picture this: Friends gathered on custom-made bean bags, immersing themselves in the breathtaking atmosphere and scenery. They settle in before the movie begins, under the moonlight, with the silhouette of D’alt Vila in the background. This is the essence of cinema.It's not just a screening; it's an experience that plunges you into the heart of cinema and the beauty of Ibiza.We look forward to seeing you there!Tickets 25€: https://sales.premiumguest.com/ocean-drive-ibiza/en/ocean-drive-ibiza/cinema-paradiso-pulp-fiction/
Ocean Drive Ibiza (Ibiza)
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