Ocean Drive Madrid Plaza de Isabel II, 7, 28013 Madrid, Spain (+34) 910 882 804 odmadrid@od-hotels.com @oceandrivemadrid Hotel España Carrer de Sant Pau, 9-11 +34 935 50 00 00 info@hotelespanya.com @hotelespanya Ocean Drive Talamanca C/ Jesús, 28, Playa Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 19 12 odtalamanca@od-hotels.com @oceandrivetalamanca Ocean Drive Ibiza Marina Botafoch / Playa de Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 81 12 odoceandrive@od-hotels.com @oceandriveibiza Can Jaume by Ocean Drive Cami de Ca n'Arabi, Puig d'en Valls - (+34) 971 31 88 55 info@canjaume.org @canjaumebyoceandrive Ocean Drive Sevilla Plaza de la Encarnación, 15, Sevilla +34 955 44 55 05 odsevilla@od-hotels.com @oceandrivesevilla
Wednesday, 22 February 2023 19:00hOCEAN DRIVE NFT GALLERY PRESENTATION + NFT MASTERCLASS WITH TULFIX Ocean Drive Madrid (Madrid) OCEAN DRIVE NFT GALLERY PRESENTATION + NFT MASTERCLASS WITH TULFIXOD Hotels presents its new art gallery NFT Gallery 2.0: ExpansionWe are launching our second nft art gallery. More capacity, more works and more quality. Capacity for 110 works.In our virtual gallery on the Cyber platform, everyone can visit the exhibitions from any mobile device, tablet, computer or even VR glasses where we show our NFT in a fully immersive experience.Suspended in the sky, our new gallery "Altitude" (official name of the room) is a modern gallery overlooking a horizon of clouds. Created by 0xWolfgang, the first architect in the metaverse to build on the Cyber platform.We continue to support local artists while acquiring artworks by international artists. The collection features artworks on the network of tezos, ethereum and polygon.The presentation of the new gallery will take place at the Ocean Drive Hotel Madrid, from 19 to 21:30.The event will include an explanation of the project and a virtual tour of the gallery.We will have a talk/masterclass by Tulfix, 3D artist and game developer from Ibiza with the following topics: Introduction to NFT, Security, Generative Art, Metadata, Smart Contracts, Promotion and Social Networks.There will also be a physical exhibition with high quality screens where we will show some of the works that are part of the digital exhibition.---For bookings & info:Ocean Drive MadridPlaza Isabel II 7 28013 MadridOCEAN DRIVE NFT GALLERY PRESENTATION + NFT MASTERCLASS WITH TULFIX Ocean Drive Madrid (Madrid)
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