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Interview with Fionn Ferreira
Interview with Fionn Ferreira
- Hello Fionn, you have been the winner of the Grand Prize at the 2019 Google Science Fair, it is a real pleasure as well as an honor to be with us.
- What has it meant for you to win the Google Science Fair award?It has been really nice and interesting so far. I am amazed at how many interesting people have reached out to me so far.
- Tell our readers about microplastics dissolved in water ... and what is this method of disposal? Why and how did it occur to you?
Microplastics can be very harmful and can cause cancers and alzheimers if ingested. They enter our waters by wastewater and other sources. They can come from washing clothes, using cosmetics and of course incorrectly teating plastic waste.
- How much time have you spent on your research before submitting to the contest? How is the development of a method like this?
I started in 2017 and have worked on this project over the past 2 years.
- This award carries a cash prize of $ 50,000. Do you know what you want to allocate the prize?To my education and College.
- Fionn, how is your usual day? Could you tell us a weekdays planning, for example?
Normally I wake up early and practice my trumpet! I then make breakfast and go to college. I would then go out kajaking or lab work in the evenings for this project. I plan my week on sundays and try to stick to that plan for the week. It includes lots of beach surveying on the weekends.
- The talks that you develop in different places, bring you closer to telling people your experience, what is the question they ask you the most? And which one would you like to be done more?Many people ask what they can do to help the microplastic problem. I say, wear cotton clothes if possible.
- What do you know about Ibiza?
Ibiza is a warm, sunny island in the mediteranian with lots of beaches and pools!
- And of the Mediterranean sea?
It has a pleasant warm climate and is perfect for sunbathing! It also has a problem with plastic pollution in the water and on the coastline.
- When do you start to be interested in our planet actively?
I have always been interested in nature and because of this our planet too. It was when I first saw plastic waste on our shores that I decided that I had to do something.
- In addition to the Google prize, you have won many others ... 12 prizes? Could you tell us about these other awards?
These are from both national and international science fairs and included trips to meet Intellectual Ventures in Seattle and getting a minor planet named after me at intel ISEF.
- The moment you tell your parents or friends that you have an idea that can change our impact on the planet, what do they tell you? How do they take it?
They say, oh no, here he goes again! They know that it is then basically impossible to talk to me because I am thinking about it!
- Not everyone has so much awareness for the environment, but if you have to give some simple advice that you think each of us should do every day, what would they be?
Very difficult....... I think that ou should try and think about your lifestyle and eliminate one bad habit or nn eco thing each day.
- In your case, what do you do "homemade" in everyday life to help our planet?
I wear cotton clothes I try to limit my travel. I cycle and I have solar panels to make electricity.
- Your great hobby is astronomy, what would you like to dedicate yourself professionally in the future? What other hobbies do you have besides this and save our planet?
I would like to dedicate myself to solving environmental problems in the future. My hobbies are many but they include Gardening, playing the trumpet and stargazing.
- After this, what is next for Fionn Ferreira's career?
Haha, I'm going to University to study about chemistry so I can solve more problems.
- And of the planet, what will be its near future? What do you think?
Who knows, I think we need to act prettey fast to avoid a mass extinction to take place.
- Finally, I just received an email from you about going to college, what are you going to study? Chemistry at the University Of Groningen
#ODBREAKFAST. What is your perfect breakfast? Breakfast poetatoes with thyme, scrambled egg and bacon.
#ODART . Your favorite work? Renoir the Curand-Ruel brothers
#ODMUSIC Your favorite artist / group? Impressionists
#ODFOOD Your favorite food? Hard....... a good steak with a huge salad
#ODPLANS Your favorite destination for a getaway? I like warm plaes with history. Lisbon
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