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Interview with Ken Stringfellow
Ken Stringfellow
What inspires you this moment and in this place?
Certainly traveling and discovering new places is very enriching. Of course with the amount of travel I do, there’s always the lost bags, the missed connections, the inability to stay in one place long enough for a needed repair... but you know, this too makes you strong and teaches you patience. Travel is an extension of the notion of freedom; and our attachment to schedules and objects can be something to be liberated from as well.
What soundtrack do we put at this moment? What song?
Pretty much the sound of the waves for me. My ears are happy to have a rest after months of touring and studio work non stop.
From Hollywood to Ibiza What do you think these two places have in common?
In both cases when people think of the artificiality of glamour (from the word ‘glamer’ - ‘to appear to be something else’ in old Scottish) in both these places they would be pleasantly surprised how much natural beauty is nearby and accessible.
How has your experience in OD hotels been with your performances?
Two very different shows: Barcelona was chill, cozy, like a living room. Ibiza was, well, what you’d expect: a big party, boisterous and full of heart.
What has been your best performance? Where, and what do you remember?
Of all time? That’s a lot of data to sort through. I will say my band ThePosies just had an incredible, sold out homecoming show in Seattle for our 30th Anniversary in a gorgeous Art Deco theatre. The Seattle audience is absolutely over the top for us. Catch The Posies 30th Anniversary Tour at Casa Planas, Palma September 28, and Sala Upload, Barcelona September 29.
And the place where you would like to act ? That is your dream...
I am in fact acting in a film that is shooting in California in September... if that’s what you meant!
Let’s travel to Paris, what does this city give you?
It’s the city of refinement and luxury; it’s good to see what the high end of craft and design can make, just as it’s good to immediately set about deconstructing it!
What projects do you have for this summer 2018?
After the Balearic Tour, I have family time at our summer home on Ile de Ré, on the French Atlantic coast. The Posies play festival dates in Holland and the UK and then I head to the film set where I will be nearly all of September: I travel direct from the set in California to Mallorca to start the Posies club tour.
When and how was your first time in Ibiza? or the first time you heard about this place.
Well this was my first visit and it was a brilliant introduction: to the island, the old part of the city, the cliffs and grottos, and to the partygoers and art lovers... I saw much in my short visit. I can’t recall when I first heard of these islands but as an avid student of maps as a kid, I’m sure I knew them then. I used maps as the recipe of my dreams. And now those dreams come to life.Read more Close