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Interview with The Parrots
Interview with The Parrots
What have been your main musical influences to be the band you are today? How do you define yourselves, garage rock, post punk, rock or a kind of all together?
We've always considered ourselves a rock n' roll band with songs that sound more punk, garage or even pop and we've been influenced by all kinds of music from the 60's/70's until today, going through the Movida Madrileña.
How do you propose the 3 dates for the different hotels as a kind of small tour? Did you expect this approach of a chain of hotels?
Totally, it is a "Mediterranean Tour" of three days.
Well, it's not the first time we're going to play in hotels, but it's the first time we've done several concerts followed by hotels of the same chain in different cities. We are very excited to be part of this tour and will transmit all the energy to become a unique experience.
After the tour around the OD hotels you perform in MadCool, do you focus on this format of big festivals like performing in a small club? Are you more excited about one than the other? Are you the same hooligans in both?
Normally the approach is the same, but it's true that when we play on bigger stages we usually have a few more musicians to make the sound even more consistent as they tend to be all in open space, but the attitude and desire are always the same.
Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?
Playing of course.
You tell us your 3 favorite bands.
Los Nastys, Bodega and Foxygen.
If you had to choose the best performance of your career, which one did you stay with?
A very special one was Glastonbury's or last year's at FIB.
Which is the biggest "shit" that one has had to endure from the other? The most embarrassing moment?
Well, Alex didn't fall asleep long ago and didn't board the plane that took us to Manchester, but we were able to fix it and he arrived 30 minutes before getting on stage hahaha.
What's the best way to get drunk, with liquor or with a thousand beers?
First a few beers and then the gin-tonics <3
Can you tell us what you are working on now? Summer and festivals are coming and I'm sure you have less time!
In July we're going to London to start recording our second album.
What has it been like to participate in Paquita Salas?
It was a great experience.
Is it true that you are going on holiday to Sequeros?
Sequeros is Diego's town, and he goes there every year. And a few months ago we both went there and in a garage we set up a small studio and we were composing songs for the album.
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