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Two Ibizans in the project 'Essential Landscapes' that will go to Madrid and Lisbon.
The Ministry of Culture, Participation and Sports of the Balearic Government will present the project 'Essential Landscapes' at art fairs in Madrid and Lisbon. It will do so through a call of the Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics (IEB) and will present, among others, the works of the Ibizan artists Irene de Andrés and Stella Rahola Matutes.
The department headed by the Ibiza Fanny Tur explained that the total budget of the outputs is 30,000 euros, 20,000 euros in the case of the Madrid fair JustMAD, and 10,000 euros at the fair Lisbon JustLX.
The project is curated by Carolina Lio and includes the Balearic artists Erola Arcalís (Maó, Menorca, 1986), Irene de Andrés (Ibiza, 1986), Patricia Mato Mora (Esporles, Mallorca, 1989) and Stella Rahola Matutes (1980).
«'Essential Landscapes' denotes a common interest» of the artists for the landscape related to the archipelago, according to the Ministry.
De Andrés presents his works 'Seascape' and 'Escull vermell', an abnormally small islet located near the western coast of Ibiza.
Rahola will present the work 'Babel', arising from the urban landscape and composed of two sculptures. Arcalís "explores through black and white pictures the hidden corners and caves near the sea."
Text: diariodeibiza.es
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