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- Expo Manuel Sánchez Serrano19:00
COLOR Y FORMA Ocean Drive Sevilla (Seville) Exhibition InfoAbstract artwork with a clear predominance of color, the contrast between colors, the struggle that arises between them, and the sensation it evokes in the viewer. A vision of this mix of restlessness and perceptions where antagonistic colors, primary, cool, warm, arranged in various spatial situations, play before the critical gaze of the spectator.Shape and color as protagonists.An exhibition with clear references to Rothko, Guerrero, Salinas… artists whom the author deeply admires.Artist BioSelf-taught, with more than thirty years of experience in painting, during which he has attended various training workshops with renowned artists, including Juan Lacomba, Soledad Sevilla, Pérez Villalta, Ouka Lele… among others. A long-time member of the Signos de Mediodía artistic collective, with which he has exhibited on multiple occasions.COLOR Y FORMA Ocean Drive Sevilla (Seville)
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