Ocean Drive Madrid Plaza de Isabel II, 7, 28013 Madrid, Spain (+34) 910 882 804 odmadrid@od-hotels.com @oceandrivemadrid Hotel España by Ocean Drive Carrer de Sant Pau, 9-11 +34 935 50 00 00 info@hotelespanya.com @hotelespanya Ocean Drive Talamanca C/ Jesús, 28, Playa Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 19 12 odtalamanca@od-hotels.com @oceandrivetalamanca Ocean Drive Ibiza Marina Botafoch / Playa de Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 81 12 odoceandrive@od-hotels.com @oceandriveibiza Ocean Drive Sevilla Plaza de la Encarnación, 15, Sevilla +34 955 44 55 05 odsevilla@od-hotels.com @oceandrivesevilla Can Jaume by Ocean Drive Cami de Ca n'Arabi, Puig d'en Valls - (+34) 971 31 88 55 info@canjaume.org @canjaumebyoceandrive Bossa Nossa
Bossa Nossa
dimanche 3 novembre 18:00Hotel España by Ocean Drive +34 935 50 00 00 info@hotelespanya.com https://www.facebook.com/hotelespanyaHotel España by Ocean Drive (Barcelona) Come and explore the variety of Brazilian rhythms at an event with live music, DJs, and performances in the pleasant atmosphere of Ocean Drive Barcelona.Concerts:Natura PoéticaCadernera no FubáDJ: D.JanuszkoLive Painting: Romane Nardreb18:00-22:30h - Free entry!Hotel España by Ocean Drive (Barcelona)
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