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Marine Forum of Ibiza and Formentera
Foro Marino de Ibiza y Formentera
What is it? What is it?
The Marine Forum of Ibiza and Formentera was held on 26 and 27 September with the idea of being an annual reference space for debate and construction for improvement in marine issues. It is an appointment where international, national and local experts meet to offer new visions, experiences and opportunities. It represents the public, private and civil sectors concerned with the conservation of the environment.
Date of Natural Framework for recovery:
1) Contribute to reducing discharges into the sea
2) Raise the ambition of the marine protected areas of Ibiza and Formentera
3) Contribute to the effective implementation of the law by 2020-21Mission
- Annual Marine Conservation Event
- Visualizes and promotes the involvement of different sectors of Balearic society for the conservation of the marine environment, tourism, fishing, and nautical among others.
- During the year it will create working groups through projects that the forum helps to finance.
- Continuity between editing and editingWhat is your target audience?
General public
Meetings with government technicians
Environmental associations Great activity in the business sector as a fundamental actor in the conservation of the environment.What does it offer us?
Sample of good practices
Cultural Program
Parallel EventsLocation:
Diverse venues around the islands.
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