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Gràcia, Barcelona
That would be summer without the different popular festivals of our towns and neighborhoods. It could be said that they are the festivities that we expect for half a year, and the other half, we are remembering how we spent it in the last edition.
The reality is that all parties have their charm, personality and traditions but those that coincide with the summer and above in a neighborhood with so much daily life and soul as is the neighborhood of Gracia in Barcelona, are a must-see for all who are in the city from 15 to 21 August.
These festivities begin with the reading of the proclamation in the Plaza Vila de Gracia from the balcony of the district headquarters. It is the starting point for fun and entertainment for people of all ages. A party that if for something is characterized by the "tune" that is made of most of its streets. Gracia is dressed in gala, Gracia becomes, by this time, a neighborhood unlike any other. Their neighbors, with a lot of imagination, decorate each street with a specific theme, and that their neighbors keep secret until the beginning of the festivities. Each street competes to be the most colourful, the most colourful or the most authentic, but passion, colour and creativity always predominate. Walking through the neighbourhood is like walking through different universes with a joy that can be felt as soon as you turn any corner.
One breathes fun and joy among the large number of performances and concerts scheduled, of all kinds of musical styles, from traditional music to electronic music or trap. Each street has its own stage where the neighborhood association is also responsible for programming. In addition, there are also competitions, activities and games for children, not forgetting the parades of costumes and games. As in all traditional Spanish festivals, gastronomy plays a fundamental role, if the neighbourhood is an authentic universe of local restaurants and world cuisine, during these days, with the different stalls that are set up extras, give to enjoy innumerable possibilities: From the classic tapa sitting on a terrace to eating some Mexican tacos while dancing to the sound of any performance.If you are in Barcelona during those days, open your eyes wide and pay attention to every detail of the neighbourhood because everything that surrounds the Gracia fiestas is special.
The Gracia neighbourhood borders the Eixample. To get to the heart of the neighbourhood, you can get to the Joanic metro (L4), or on the FGC railways at Gracia station.
Visit: Tasta Gràcia. They organise theme days and tastings of all kinds of dishes from all over the world.
Drinking: There are many small beer companies that these days take out their new references of artisanal beers, discover new flavors.
Join us: The Fundació Festa Major de Gràcia and the street Fraternitat organize a great scavenger hunt every year.Eat: Las patatas bravas, the most traditional dish in Catalonia. There are many bars and restaurants that offer them.
Bet: Only one street will win the prize. Bet with your friends on which one will be chosen, and you will see who has better taste.
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