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Hola Sundays! 5.0 What are the best mixers for DJs?
Hola Sundays! 5.0 Workshop Mixers Dj
2020 has got off to a start with the return of Hola Sundays in its version 5.0. After opening in Barcelona on January 26, it was Ibiza’s turn, in the place where it all began: OD Ocean Drive.
If vinyl records were the stars of the show in Barcelona, in Ibiza it was the turn of mixing desks, with a workshop about which of them are the best options currently. From analogue to digital, from normal channel mixers to rotary mixers. For the event, we had Condesa Lucía (Australian) analogue desks and an Alpha Recording System 9000 (Japanese), so that those taking part had the opportunity to see them and listen to them at first hand.
The main figures of the event’s line-up were: Milou, one of the permanent features of Zoo Project, and the pair known as “Los Dos”, made up of Luis del Barrio and Alvaro Mesa. The workshop was joined by Luis from the sound company, Sonivisa, so that we were able to hear the opinion of experts from the sector.
When the sunny, music-filled day came to an end, we made the most of talks by Milou, Los Dos and Luis del Barrio about their preferences when it comes to mixers, and this is their opinion..
What does a rotary mixer offer you that no other offers?
Playing 2 records on Alpha Recordings 9000 and mixing them is like making love to the woman that you are madly in love with: it is a mixture of affection, softness and passion.
Which is the best mixer you have used so far?
Alpha Recordings 9000.
Which is the worst?
Possibly a knackered two-way Ecler that we got in around 2000 along with some Akiyama strap turntables...
What did you like best about our first Hola Sundays Ibiza event in 2020?
The vibe, the ambiance, the people, people smiling, good music, winter Sundays on the terrace...
What artist have you seen that gets the most out of a mixer?
Jeff Mills
What does a rotary mixer offer you that no other offers?
The quality of its analogic sound (when vinyls are played), and the elegance of the mix.
Which is the best mixer you have used so far?
Alpha recordings 9000.
Which is the worst?
Pioneer djm600.
What did you like best about our first Hola Sundays Ibiza event in 2020?
The meeting of people that are passionate and curious about electronic music and bringing closer together who’s in the industry to share their knowledge and experience.
What artist have you seen that gets the most out of a mixer?
Mr Scruff (Boiler Room x Dekmantel Festival 2018).
What does a rotary mixer offer you that no other offers?
It inspired me to much more love for the detail in mixing. It’s absolutely beautiful to play with, not just aesthetically. You feel and hear you have something special in front of you, handmade with a vintage design and a refined analogue sound. I love the way you can blend tracks together in such a smooth, sensual and defined way. I also appreciate the sound and construction of an Allen & Heath and the same goes for the Pioneer kits. Both have qualities that I love for different gigs. A rotary mixer is very different to use and I got hooked the first time I mixed with it. I think it’s the perfect match for playing with vinyl and I would love to hear it perform soon on a big sound system.
Which is the best mixer you have used so far?
I just totally fell in love with the Condesa Lucia.
Which is the worst?
I have tried a few and I wouldn’t say there is any mixer that is really bad. Every artist should use the one for his needs and the one he feels at home with. I have played once on a very bab mixer in a club, where the channels stopped working while playing and you always lost a knob or fader when you were too enthusiastic. But it wasn’t the fault of the brand of mixer, it was more the fault of the people who abused it badly over the years.
What did you like best about our first Hola Sundays Ibiza event in 2020?
I really loved the atmosphere! What a lovely bunch of artists, friends and interested people coming together on a Sunday in Ibiza. It was so inspiring in many ways and I was super happy being part of such a beautiful day! Everyone I talked to afterwards went home with a big smile on their face. Thanks a lot to everyone who made this happen!
What artist have you seen that gets the most out of
a mixer? This question made me laugh because I immediately have to think of my friends, Toni Haupt from my Telekollegen Crew in Berlin, and Defex from The Zoo Project Ibiza, who are totally hooked to Model1. They are crazy about it, and we always joke about their addiction! It’s beautiful to watch the love and passion they have for it and how they use it to the maximum.Read more Close