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Barcelona, the city with the most Michelin stars in Spain
Barcelona, la ciudad de España con más estrellas Michelin
Last Tuesday, Barcelona has become the Spanish city with the most Michelin stars, in addition to the announcement of 34 new Michelin stars in the one-star ranking in Spain and Portugal.
Five of these new stars are from Barcelona, 15% of the total. Barcelona regains its gastronomic capital status thanks to the award of three stars to the Barcelona restaurant Cocina Hermanos Torres.
The restaurants Aleia, by Rafa de Bedoya and Paulo Airaudo; COME, by Paco Méndez; Enigma, by Albert Adrià; Mont Bar, by Fran Agudo; and Slow & Low by Nicolás de la Vega and Francesc Beltri have made it into the ranking of Spanish establishments with one Michelin star.
On the other hand, Madrid has 24 stars in this edition of the Michelin Guide, with one three-starred restaurant, six with two stars and up to 17 restaurants with one star. In this edition there are up to five novelties in the form of new stars.
The biggest new addition is Deessa, the restaurant run by Quique Dacosta, which adds its second star. Dabiz Muñoz's RavioXO, Hugo Muñoz's Ugo Chan, Daniel Ochoa's Montia and David Arauz's Zuara Sushi also have one star.
Without forgetting the island, Ibiza now has three stars from the Michelin Guide Spain and Portugal, as the restaurants Es Tragón de Sant Antoni (the first in history to achieve this in Ibiza), by chef Álvaro Sanz; and La Gaia de Ibiza, by Óscar Molina, also have this prestigious recognition.
Interestingly, the island's three stars are spread over three different municipalities: Sant Antoni, Vila and Santa Eulària.
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