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The Escola d'Art d'Eivissa exhibits at Ocean Drive Talamanca
La Escola d’Art d’Eivissa expone sus obras en Ocean Drive Talamanca
Dozens of students of the Escola d'Art d'Eivissa were last Saturday the protagonists of one of the most creative exhibitions of the year. An event that was held at the Hotel Ocean Drive Talamanca from 19:00 hours.
According to the director of the center, Marian Ferrer, for the exhibition have been selected all the most representative works of the Escola d'Art d'Eivissa.
"The works focus on the artistic projects of both high school and the five training cycles of the center," said the director with satisfaction. In this line, she pointed out that the samples represented are especially fashion designs, interior pieces, drawing and painting works.
The exhibition can be visited until May 27.
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