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OD ART AWARDS contest - 5ª edition
OD ART AWARDS contest - Ibiza 2100
We are happy to greet you in this new season, more free of viruses and full of hope with a change of outlook towards the future, and that’s why OD Art Awards is back and does it with more enthusiasm and more participation than ever.
Like in past editions, OD Group organizes this themed contest to help to stir consciousness and make us think through the expression of art.
And talking about the future, this year the theme we have chosen for the contest will be Ibiza 2100. That is, a large selection of works of free interpretation that represent this broad concept that can range from climate change, to overbuilding, the evolution of tourism, digitalisation, the return to agriculture, total happiness or absolute chaos... In short, the interpretation of the Ibiza of the future through the eyes of more than 45 artists from different disciplines.
Save the date, because we are waiting for you at the vernissagges which will be on Wednesday 28 September at 19.30, the exhibition can be seen until 13 October and the awards ceremony will be on Tuesday 11 October also at 19.30 and it will all be at Ocean Drive Talamanca.
And of course, this edition will be the 5th OD Art Awards and we will be presenting the first, second and third awards to the art pieces that have the highest votes in this exhibition by the jury of this year has members such as: The artist Stella Rahola, the expert in communication and sustainable consultancy Clara Cano, the journalist Cesar Navarro, the Manager Business Development of OD Group Pep Navarro, Antonio Beneyto coordinator of Foro Marino, and more.
There will also be the presentation of the IbizArt Guide group exhibition prizes and other special prizes such as the NFT prize and the career award, ... A day to celebrate art.
Come and join us! We are waiting for you at Ocean Drive Talamanca, calle Jesús 28, to have a good time in the company of friends, colleagues, media and authorities.Read more Close