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"La Ruta de la Sal" was presented at OD Barcelona
"La Ruta de la Sal" was presented at OD Barcelona
On 18th April, Thursday, the participants in the 32nd edition of the La Ruta de La Sal Height Regatta will set sail for Ibiza from Port Ginesta in Barcelona, Denia and Puerto de Andratx in Mallorca. The regatta was presented this Wednesday at the Hotel OD in Barcelona in the presence of the renowned ocean sailor (America's Cup, Volvo Ocean Race, Barcelona World Race, Admiral's Cup, Sydney-Hobart, etc.) Guillermo Altadill, a regular and several times winner of the race. There will be some 200 boats, crewed by around 1,500 sailors, from some 12 different nationalities. Among them are some of the leading teams in offshore sailing competition.
The test maintains the three routes in force for two years. The North version, between Port Ginesta (Barcelona) and Sant Antoni de Portmany (Ibiza), with a distance of 140 nautical miles (259 km). The Eastern version, from Denia (Alicante) to Sant Antoni de Portmany (Ibiza), with a distance of 120 miles (222 km), while the Western version will start from Andraitx (Mallorca) to Sant Antoni de Portmany (Ibiza), with a distance of 103 nautical miles (191 km). The participating boats will be divided into ten categories (a minimum of six boats must be grouped together to form a category).A short and intense event closing test, after which the participating teams, once crossed the finish line, will be able to make their way to their home ports.
The Trophy for the Winner of the Inshore Regatta will be awarded at the Barcelona International Boat Show during the presentation of the next edition of Ruta de la Sal.
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