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Exhibition "Estrellas y Starlettes" by Pedro Farré Camps
Tuesday, 1 November 2022 18:00hExhibition "Estrellas y Starlettes" by Pedro Farré Camps Hotel España (Barcelona) Exhibition "Estrellas y Starlettes" by Pedro Farré Camps
This exhibition is intended as a small sample to highlight the importance of this film festival. The photographs exhibited here were taken from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, when I attended (accredited, of course, by the festival's press service) to cover information for various media outlets.The French city of Cannes would not be the same without its film festival and its fifteen days of permanent cinephile orgy, since during two weeks more than six hundred films can be seen.---Hotel OD Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 932150899
odbarcelona@od-hotels.comExhibition "Estrellas y Starlettes" by Pedro Farré Camps Hotel España (Barcelona)
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