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Ibiza Beer Fair
Ibiza Beer Fair
While we are drinking a beer (what other way could it be)...we chatted with the organisers of the Ibiza Beer Fair, Miguel Ángel Serra and Joaquín Ibarra, who met at the end of the 90s when they worked together at a local radio station In Ibiza.For the past 12 years, they have been in charge of organising this traditional end-of-summer event, which will be held this year on October 11, 12 and 13.
Many of those attending have been worried this summer because the dates for 2019 had not been announced. However it has finally arrived, a few days later tan we had become accustomed to in recent years. What is the reason for the change of dates?
2019 is turning out to be a very intense year for us. In addition to the Beer Fair, we are devoted to producing large and small events all over the island, and it has been difficult to find a date. But we believe that October can be an ideal date for our public and for the type of tourism that visits us.
What are the new additions the fair brings in 2019?
Well, after 12 editions, and even though it seems impossible, we are still coming up with new ideas; this year, I would highlight the fact that we are going to run on Sunday, opening at 12:30 PM. At 13:00, we will be visited by more than 100 Vespas that are on the island for the occasion of the 3rd Sargantanas Vespa meeting. At 14:00, do not miss out on tasting the paella. From 16:00 on, it will be time to enjoy the ‘80s and’ 90s music performed by local artists, and we will also do a really interesting workshop about “How to make your own beer at home.”The inauguration will take place on Friday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday we are going to have DJs Petit & Vazquez from “Children of the 80’s”.
Last year, in 2018, are we right in saying there were 200 varieties? How do you organise so many number different beers for an event like this?
Yes, we even had more than the figure of 200 varieties. I think it is one of the things that causes the biggest surprise and people ask us about at the Fair. It is hard to believe, but we assure you that there are (laughs). It is difficult to manage such a high number of varieties, to be honest. It can be done thanks to the great effort made by all the distributors that come and bring new varieties that never cease to surprise us.If we go back a bit to its origins...
How did this idea of a beer fair in Ibiza begin?
The Beer Fair was born in 2008 and it came about as a personal whim. We realised that in Ibiza there weren’t any events dedicated to beer, and we planned to make an “October Fest”, but one that was adapted to our tastes and culture. A brand of our own, something different from everything that had been done up until then, and which has been adapted to the needs of our customers who—year after year—continue to come loyally to this event.When and how did you realise that the fair was going from something small to becoming a fair that people were looking forward to?Well... I think from the 4th edition onwards. The first editions helped us to learn a lot, listen a lot and make the wishes and needs of our customers come true.The last year that the “Beer Fair” was held in the Plaza de Sta. Gertrudis was crazy. The town was overrun: in the bars and restaurant you could not fit one single more person and we actually ran out of cold beer on Saturday at 10 p.m. That was the turning point. After that, we decided to move the Fair to the Exhibition Hall, which was the best choice.The Fair does not get by on beer alone.
What is most successful thing? What can people find as far as food is concerned to enjoy along with a beer?
If we are very proud of the beer area, we are almost equally or more so of the culinary aspect. We have a wide variety of food stands to cater to all tastes. We have stands of grilled Argentine meats, tapas, pizzas, handcrafted German sausages, Iberian hams, sweet crepes... And on Sunday at midday traditional Ibizan rice.The gastronomic aspect is fundamental; without it, it would not have been possible for the Fair to achieve the success it has.
Your favourite beer?
You know that with this question you put me in a tough spot (laughs). My favourites are German lagers and Radler beers.
The strangest beer that you have seen at the fair?
The beers that surprised us the most when we saw them and tried them for the first time were the Belgian beers with fruit flavours.
The one that has refused to be there?
After 12 editions, I don’t think there has been one. Well, we were just waiting for an OD beer from Hotels OD and then we will have the lot.
We have to ask you... What do you think about OD beer?
We were pleasantly surprised because, being a craft beer, it is very light and easy to drink. Without a doubt, it will go down well with the most discerning beer drinkers as well as those who are not accustomed to trying craft beers.
What is in the pipeline for the beer fair in Ibiza?
Exporting this model of fair outside Ibiza, or even holding a second fair under a different concept.
And finally, if one of our readers should wonder, give me 5 reasons why you have to go to the beer fair...
One, for the great variety of beers that you are going to find. Two, for the great atmosphere around you. Three, for the variety of foods. Four, for the music, the groups, the DJs, performances, live shows... And five, because it becomes a meeting point at the end of the season where you can get together with friends
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