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On the 28th of June, the International LGBT Pride Day (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals) will once again be celebrated as it is every year.
Considered to be the most important event in the promotion of this group.
The struggle for equality has not been easy nor has it come recently. Some of the most important dates are the following:
1969: Stonewall riots (New York, United States). The police raid that took place in the early hours of June 28, 1969, at thepub, Stonewall Inn, an atmospheric pub located in the New York neighborhood of Greenwich Village, marked the beginning of a series of demonstrations against police and social persecution.1970. A year later, on June 28, 1970, the first marches took place. of gay pride in the cities of New York and Los Angeles, commemorating the
anniversary of the riots.1971: Little by little more North American cities joined to commemorate what happened at Stonewall. Boston, Dallas, Atlanta, Detroit, Washington D.C., Miami and Philadelphia already had their own marches.
1972: Europe began to take to the streets, to ask for rights, this year,London, Paris, West Berlin and Stockholm, were among the first cities
participants.1977: The first Pride demonstration is organised in Barcelona on 26 June.
LGBT of Spain, while the law of social danger is still in force. Some 4,000 people concentrated on La Rambla under the motto: the slogans We are not
Dangerous!1978: The rainbow flag begins to be used as a symbol of gay pride. Author: Gilbert Baker.
1982: The first "Gay Games", olimpic games for the gay community, begin to be organized in San Francisco, in which 1,600 people participate.
1989: On May 27 of this year, the European country: Denmark was the first country in the European Union.
The world to pass a law that would allow civil union for same-sex couples.
sex.1990: On May 17 the World Health Organization, eliminated the homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses. One of the big dates of recent history.
1992: Year of the Olympic Games and Expo in Spain, in London begins the celebration of Europride with a march through the city.
1995: Originally began in 1989, the Love Parade festival in Berlin, was becomes one of the iconic events of Techno and the gay collective.
2001: The Netherlands, one of the most multicultural countries in the world, became the first country to legalize gay marriages. The first gay marriage took place in Amsterdam City Hall.
2005: Our country, Spain, on July 2nd published the law, which allowed marriage. We were the third country in the world to legalize it.
2017: Madrid hosted the fifth edition of WorldPride, the world's largest LGBT event.
2019: MADO (Madrid Pride) is the big party that takes place in the Barrio de Madrid. Chueca, during the "LGBT Pride Week", whose central act is the State Demonstration, the largest in Europe, which takes place on the first Saturday of July. As every year, one of the most special moments will be the moment of the proclamation, in this2 019, by the hand of the singer: Mónica Naranjo.
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