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OD Hotels raises €8,800 for Unicef Spain to alleviate the effects of climate change on children.
OD Hotels recauda 8.800€ para Unicef España destinados a paliar los efectos del cambio climático en la infancia
Our CEO and founder, Marc Rahola, presented a cheque for 8,800 euros to the president of the UNICEF Balearic Islands Committee, Mercedes del Pozo, at the company's offices. This action is part of the Hoteles Amigos programme, with which OD Hotels has been collaborating since 2022, as the effects of climate change are increasingly devastating for children living in the most vulnerable situations and it is expected that floods and droughts will have an even greater impact on children. floods and droughts are expected to increase.
Through this initiative, guests have been able to donate two euros when they check-in. in. The money raised will go entirely to UNICEF programmes aimed at combating the effects of climate change on children and adolescents. against the effects of climate change on children, guaranteeing access to water and the necessary sanitation and hygiene facilities in the and sanitation and hygiene facilities in their communities.
Marc Rahola said: "We are proud to be able to contribute to making life a little easier for many children around the world affected by the effects of climate change. Our contribution will continue over time as we are aware that together we can make the world a better place. Actions like this are more necessary than ever.
Mercedes del Pozo added: "The role of business is important as a key player in bringing about change and the positive impact it can have on the world. and the positive impact they can have in guaranteeing children's rights, such as the commitment of OD Hotels," she added. such as OD Hotels' commitment to the Hoteles Amigos programme".
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