Ocean Drive Madrid Plaza de Isabel II, 7, 28013 Madrid, Spain (+34) 910 882 804 odmadrid@od-hotels.com @oceandrivemadrid Hotel España Carrer de Sant Pau, 9-11 +34 935 50 00 00 info@hotelespanya.com @@hotelespanya Ocean Drive Talamanca C/ Jesús, 28, Playa Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 19 12 odtalamanca@od-hotels.com @oceandrivetalamanca Ocean Drive Ibiza Marina Botafoch / Playa de Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 81 12 odoceandrive@od-hotels.com @oceandriveibiza Can Jaume by Ocean Drive Cami de Ca n'Arabi, Puig d'en Valls - (+34) 971 31 88 55 info@canjaume.org @canjaumebyoceandrive Ocean Drive Sevilla Plaza de la Encarnación, 15, Sevilla +34 955 44 55 05 odsevilla@od-hotels.com @oceandrivesevilla
OD Miami
In 2020, OD Miami is going to become the chain’s first hotel outside Spain and, just as it has done with its other hotels, while preserving its heritage, it is going to transform the emblematic Dade-Commonwealth building into a five-star boutique hotel with 169 rooms. The result is going to be the new OD in Miami. This well-known building designed by Martin L. Hampton in 1925 was once, during the year when it was being built, the tallest building in the city. After the infamous hurricane that lashed Miami in 1926, its structure was badly damaged. It was the stock market crash of ’29, however, that ended its splendour. After that, it became the property of a bank that decided to reduce its height to seven floors and sell off the steel of the last 10.
Now, its current surface area measuring 4,000 m2 on seven floors will be extended to 10,000 m2 on 17 floors, in a project to recover the original historical sense that was carried out by the American architect, R.J. Heisenbottle. The architect, Charles Benson, is going to develop the project to build the hotel. The neoclassical façade, with great historical value for Miami, is going to be restored to give Hotel OD Miami an impressive appearance and emphasise the building’s legendary image.
One curious fact about Hotel OD Miami is that the lower floor containing the 32-ton stainless steel safe is going to be preserved and that is where the hotel’s nightclub will be built.
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