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Territori celebrates its 3rd edition with an international performance art programme
Territori celebra su 3ª edición con una programación internacional de performance art
Territori, Ibiza's International Performance Art Festival, presented its 2022 programme in the company of Juan Miguel Costa, Director of Tourism of the Consell d'Eivissa; Pep Tur, Councillor for Culture of Eivissa; Montserrat García, Councillor for Equality of Eivissa; Cristina Ribas, Sant Josep Councillor for Culture; Guadalupe Nauda, Sant Josep Councillor for Social Promotion and Equality; María Ramón, Sant Antoni Councillor for Culture; Santiago Marí, Sant Joan Councillor for Culture; Antonio Ramón Marí, Santa Eulària Councillor for Festivities and Isa Sanz, Director of Territori.
Territori Ibiza will celebrate its 3rd edition with 13 performances by national and international artists (2 of them site specific) and 5 performances by Balearic artists, selected through the Hope not hope call. Territori will feature 27 participants who will delve into performance art through practice, reflection and learning.This edition will take place from 17 to 25 September in Ibiza under the slogan The Body Matters. After two years of separation and isolation, this is the first edition to be held in a context of total normality, in a festival where the body is the protagonist. "From Territori we claim that the body matters, that it is in the body where life happens and in our case where art happens", explained Isa Sanz, director and curator of Territori.
Pepe Tur pointed out that this is "an exhibition that is becoming more and more deeply rooted on the island" and recalled that "the world of performance is of great interest to all citizens". "The performances take place in the open air and in natural spaces, a very good way for culture in capital letters to reach everyone," added the councillor for culture and heritage at Eivissa Town Hall.For his part, Juan Miguel Costa, director of Tourism of the Consell d'Eivissa, acknowledged that "it is a pleasure to talk about projects that are born from the heart and that little by little are being consolidated. Being in the 3rd edition is already a source of pride".
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