Ocean Drive Madrid Plaza de Isabel II, 7, 28013 Madrid, Spain (+34) 910 882 804 odmadrid@od-hotels.com @oceandrivemadrid Hotel España Carrer de Sant Pau, 9-11 +34 935 50 00 00 info@hotelespanya.com @hotelespanya Ocean Drive Talamanca C/ Jesús, 28, Playa Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 19 12 odtalamanca@od-hotels.com @oceandrivetalamanca Ocean Drive Ibiza Marina Botafoch / Playa de Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 81 12 odoceandrive@od-hotels.com @oceandriveibiza Ocean Drive Sevilla Plaza de la Encarnación, 15, Sevilla +34 955 44 55 05 odsevilla@od-hotels.com @oceandrivesevilla Can Jaume by Ocean Drive Cami de Ca n'Arabi, Puig d'en Valls - (+34) 971 31 88 55 info@canjaume.org @canjaumebyoceandrive
Burger Meets Gin arrives at Ocean Drive Madrid
Burger meets Gin llega a Madrid
Burger Meets Gin arrives for the first time at our hotel Ocean Drive Madrid next Wednesday 18 from 20 to 22.30h.
Join us to enjoy the best music, burgers and gins, in the classy atmosphere of Ocean Drive Madrid.
You will be able to choose between two menus:
1. Wagyu Burger Menu + gin and tonic Tanqueray 22€.
2. Wagyu Burger Menu + Martin Miller 26€.The music will be provided by DJ Luis FM, one of the best known and most respected names on the current electronic and club music scene, both for the length of his career - more than 20 years as a DJ to which must be added his new facet as a producer - and for the eclectic nature of his sessions, which range from techno to house, without forgetting the warmer aspects of the dance music of the moment.
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