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6 bars and restaurants in Ibiza essential for its residents
Restaurants in Ibiza
In this list you will not find the usual restaurants recommended by platforms and portals specialized in travel gastronomy. Here we are going to reveal those authentic bars that are commonplace for residents of the island because of their history and tradition.
Maybe some of them are not the places where you would take your friends when they come to visit us on the island, but if we have to meet someone who lives here, we can do it in one of these places, as they offer quality, good prices, and most important of all, you can breathe that local atmosphere that we like so much.
Flotante is one of the most successful places on Talamanca beach. Very close to our hotel OD Ocean Drive and also OD Talamanca, 'el flotante' offers the possibility to enjoy breakfast or lunch on a terrace with tables and chairs that are situated almost above the water. Its location on the beach means that you can always find residents in the summer before or after work, and tourists who are captivated by its wall full of party posters and its traditional beach bar look.
The best: The beach
Must try: Cuttlefish, Squid, Paella.
We continue with another classic breakfast on the island. From the first hour it is the place chosen by many residents to have breakfast with some of their toast or sandwiches, which for many are the best in Ibiza. There are also many who stop at Can Bellotera, buy their sandwiches and go to the beach with them. They also offer a menu of the day at a more than reasonable price or tapas for those evenings with friends.
The best: Homemade bread.
Indispensable: Their sandwiches and also sandwiches ;)
This particular mixture of neighbours and tourists makes it one of the most unique places on the island. Although Ca n'Anneta appears in the guides of places to visit by tourists, it is a place that keeps all the essence of a village bar of all life, where different generations have had their meeting place. Bar Anita was born in 1876 as a grocery shop and small bar. One of the oldest businesses on the island that you should visit, and of course, try their own Ibicencan herbs.
The best: The extravagant atmosphere of its customers.
Indispensable: Homemade herbs.
Very close to the village of San Carlos, we find Cas Pages, a restaurant camouflaged in a house on the same road and which since 1972 has been offering authentic Ibizan cuisine with dishes such as "arroz de matanza" or "sofrit Payés", without forgetting its grilled meats. Open both in summer on its terrace and in winter in the interior lounge. Don't forget that they don't make reservations and that you can't pay by credit card, things that demonstrate their tradition.
The best: The atmosphere and its managers.
Indispensable: Its slaughter rice.
One of the essentials for Thai food lovers. Located at the exit of the village of San Antonio in the direction of San Jose, Casa Thai offers oriental menus at a price suitable for all pockets. It is usual to find people who are on the island for a few days, discover Casa Thai and repeat the rest of their holidays. The service is fast so they will always find a table for you.
The best: Your menu of the day.
Essential: Curry in all its variants.
We finish this list at La Marina de Ibiza, specifically at number 19 Sa Creu street, where since 1924 the Costa family has run one of the most traditional restaurants in Ibiza. From the moment you enter the restaurant you will feel the close treatment and the atmosphere that reminds you of traditional restaurants. You could say that it is unrivalled when it comes to quality-price.
The best thing: The spoon dishes.
Indispensable: The stew of the day.
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