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The boom in ecological wines
In recent years, we have witnessed a genuine boom in ecological wines. The driving force behind the increase in this kind of wines in our country has been international demand. Thanks to its climate and production systems, Spain meets the necessary conditions for the development of this type of agriculture.
The main difference between this way of growing with the traditional one consists in the limits placed on the addition of sulphur, which, in the case of organic wines, is lower. What is more, as far as possible, the use of synthetic chemical products such as fertilisers, pesticides, antibiotics etc. is avoided in order to preserve the environment, maintain or increase the soil’s fertility and supply foodstuffs with all their natural properties: in a word, sustainability.
Spain began to legally regulate this type of agriculture in 1989, the year when the generic denomination «ecological agriculture» and its regulatory counsel were approved. This legislation was in force up until Regulation (CEE) 2092/91, which introduced new rules regarding the subject, came into force, establishing rules pertaining to the presentation, labelling, production, processing, control and importing.
In order to obtain the denomination of organic cultivation, the vineyards are required to pass an initial control lasting approximately two years during which the soil is purged of any possible non-organic traces. From that moment on, the use of copper sulphate, also known as Bordeaux mixture, and sulphur are allowed for the prevention of mildew, oidium as well as to stop botrytis appearing.
Various characteristics come into play in the production process ranging from the soil, that must be totally free of any chemical product, to the type of vine - highly resistant to possible pests - before reaching the final product, the grape which must be free of residues and possess an optimal sanitary condition.
A magnificent wine from Bodegas Pastor Díaz, a company that is the result of various centuries of family tradition in the wine sector. It is produced 100% with tempranillo grapes from rigorously selected vineyards and cultivated following the tenets of organic wine growing before maturing for 10 months in American oak barrels. The result is a wine with great aromatic complexity, structure and freshness that lingers on the palate.
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