Ocean Drive Madrid Plaza de Isabel II, 7, 28013 Madrid, Spain (+34) 910 882 804 odmadrid@od-hotels.com @oceandrivemadrid Hotel España by Ocean Drive Carrer de Sant Pau, 9-11 +34 935 50 00 00 info@hotelespanya.com @@hotelespanya Ocean Drive Talamanca C/ Jesús, 28, Playa Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 19 12 odtalamanca@od-hotels.com @oceandrivetalamanca Ocean Drive Ibiza Marina Botafoch / Playa de Talamanca - (+34) 971 31 81 12 odoceandrive@od-hotels.com @oceandriveibiza Ocean Drive Sevilla Plaza de la Encarnación, 15, Sevilla +34 955 44 55 05 odsevilla@od-hotels.com @oceandrivesevilla Can Jaume by Ocean Drive Cami de Ca n'Arabi, Puig d'en Valls - (+34) 971 31 88 55 info@canjaume.org @canjaumebyoceandrive
- Terms & Conditions
1. PRESENTATIONThe aim of the present document is to establish the regulations governing the use and protection of users of this website, www.od-hotels.com, belonging to Ocean Hoteles e Inversiones, S.L., TAX-ID/NIF: B57236846 (hereinafter OD Hotels) based in C/ Jaume I, 2nd Floor – 07817 Sant Jordi, Ibiza, Spain, Telf. +34 971 591 214 y Fax +34 971 677 233.
OD Hotels uses the www.od-hotels.com webpage to make personal information and services relating to our hotels available, such as Online reservation of rooms and additional services, Customer services and Job market, trying to improve the commercial relationship we have with our clients and efficiently managing the requests that they make.
The use of the page and/or its services implies the complete and unreserved acceptation, and entailing validity, of each and every one of the General Conditions covered in these regulations governing use. The access and use of certain services offered to the users in www.od-hotels.com may be subject to determined conditions that, depending on the concrete case complement or replace these regulations of use. For this reason the user, prior to the access and use of the services and contents, has to read and accept said conditions.
2. USE OF THE www.od-hotels.com WEBPAGE AND SERVICESThe user agrees to use the www.od-hotels.com webpage and the services offered to him/her via the webpage, in accordance with the dictates of Law, Morality, good practices and public order, as well as the terms stipulated under the present Regulations governing use. As a consequence, he/she is under the express obligation not to use the www.od-hotels.com webpage or its services for illicit ends or effects or contrary to the terms established under the present Regulations governing use, or breach rights or third-party interests that, in any way, may damage the www.od-hotels.com webpage or prevent it from being used normally.
OD Hotels may, in order to improve the operation of its webpage and for the benefit of its users, unilaterally modify, at any moment and without prior warning, the offered services or any substantial aspect of the current webpage, or the technical and operational conditions or conditions of use of the services in www.od-hotels.com.
Access to any kind of content in the webpage does not imply any right whatsoever to its reproduction and/or distribution and this is not permitted without the prior consent of OD Hotels.
3. PROTECTION OF PRIVATE USER INFORMATION BY OD HotelsOD Hotels, agrees to comply with current legislation in force applying to the automated handling of data and, in particular, Constitutional Law 15/99, on December 13, regarding the Protection of Information of a Personal Nature. Via the privacy policy stated below OD Hotels informs its clients of the following considerations:
3.1 Transaction security. Reservations for Hotels of the OD Hotels are managed by Design Hotels / Synexis. The confidentiality of information is totally guaranteed, both with respect to personal data and credit card information supplied to guarantee reservations. Similarly, the client who makes a reservation is informed that his/her personal data and the reservation information will be passed to those companies that have to intervene in the reservation and/or travel process and to the destination hotel, irrespective of the country where said companies may be located, with the resultant possibility of the international transfer of information, all with the exclusive objective of making the reservation and ensuring its correct execution.
3.2 Any sensitive information sent, including your credit card number, will be encrypted through SSL protocol and protected from third parties.
3.3 Data protection. OD Hotels guarantees the protection and confidentiality of personal data, of any kind, provided to us by our clients either from typical users or from those who use the Job Market services.
All of the information provided by our clients to OD Hotels, or to its employees, will be included in an automated personal information file which is reported at the central register of the Agency for Privacy Protection of Spain. The file is created and maintained under the responsibility of Ocean Hoteles e Inversiones, S.L., a company which commercially operates under the OD Hotels brand and which operates this webpage.
The principal objective of said file is the maintenance of a commercial relationship with our clients, the performance of statistical studies, and also the sending of publicity pertaining to commercialized products and services.
OD Hotels guarantees the confidentiality of the supplied information and further guarantees that under no circumstances will said information be supplied to third-parties for any ulterior use without the express prior consent of our clients.
In compliance with the terms stipulated under Constitutional Law 15/1999, December 13, the clients of OD Hotels hotels may, at any time, exercise their right to access, alter, cancel and object to their personal information.
Similarly, the user of www.od-hotels.com, by sending his/her curriculum in order to be eligible for the jobs offered through the webpage, is voluntarily providing information of a personal nature that OD Hotels will handle in an automated manner and incorporate into a file as long as needed in order to be able to offer and provide its services.
The named parties in the information have, at all times, the right to access the file, and may freely exercise their right to rectify, cancel and object to the data held within, in compliance with the terms stipulated in the legislation concerning data protection.
In order to exercise said rights the user has to state this in writing to OD Hotels OD Hotels, C/ Atenas nº 30-46, 07817 Sant Jordi, Ibiza, Spain.
4. COOKIE POLICYIn accordance with Spanish legislation regulating the use of cookies in relation to the provision of electronic communication services, as set forth in Royal Decree-Law 13 dated March 30th, 2012, we hereby inform you about the cookies used on the website of OD Hotels and why they are used. Likewise, OD Hotels informs you that, by browsing the Website, you are giving your consent for them to be used.
The cookies used on our Website include both our own and those of third parties and they enable us to store and access information in relation to the language, the type of browser used and other general characteristics predefined by the user, and also to track and analyse the activity carried out in order to introduce improvements and to provide our services in a more efficient, personalised manner. OD Hotels does not use advertising or behavioural advertising cookies.
The use of cookies offers numerous advantages in the provision of information technology services, because, among others: (i) they make it easier for the user to browse the Website and access the different services on offer; (ii) they mean that users do not have to set up the general, predefined characteristics each time they enter the Website; (iii) they enable us to improve the functioning and the services provided through the Website, after the corresponding analysis of the information obtained through the cookies installed.
However, users can set up their browsers to accept or reject cookies, or select those allowed and those excluded by following one of the following procedures, depending on the browser used.
On its Website, OD Hotels uses:
Analytical cookies:
These make it possible to track and analyse the behaviour of the users of the websites with which they are associated.Specifically, on the user’s device, OD Hotels stores the analytical cookies of Google Analytics. Users can exclude their individual activity by means of the exclusion systems facilitated by Google Analytics.
This is a table of Cookie’s information
__utma google-analytics.com
ga.js2 years This cookie keeps a record of the number of times a user has visited a site, and when the first and last visits were. level 2
__utmb google-analytics.com
ga.js30 minutes This cookie helps to calculate how long a user’s visit lasts, storing the time the user entered. level 2
__utmc google-analytics.com
ga.jsExpires with the session This cookie helps to calculate how long a user’s visit lasts, storing the time the user exits the page. level 2
__utmz google-analytics.com
ga.jsExpires with the session This cookie keeps track of where the visitor comes from, which search engine was used, which link he/she clicked on, what key words were used and from where in the world the page was accessed. level 2
__utmli google-analytics.com
ga.jsThese cookies from Google Analytics generate an anonymous user ID, which is used to count how many times a user visits the site. It also records the first and last time the user visited the website. Likewise, it calculates when a session ended, the user’s origin and keywords. level 2
Social network cookies:
In particular, OD Hotels uses Social Sharing buttons, which make it possible to share the content of our website on different social networks:
Facebook.com 2 years Level 2
Twitter.com 2 years Level 2The cookies detailed above are graded on an “intrusiveness level ” on a scale of 1 to 3, in which:
Level 1: corresponds to internally-used cookies that are essential for provision of the service requested by the user.
Level 2: corresponds to anonymous, internally-used cookies necessary for the maintenance of contents and browsing, as well as cookies managed by third parties in the framework of services expressly requested by the user on their websites (e.g. Social Plugins from Facebook or Twitter).
Level 3: corresponds to cookies managed by third parties in the framework of services not expressly requested by the user, permitting tracking of these through websites not owned by OD Hotels. The specification of this level is accompanied by its owner. The use of level 3 cookies is subject to the user’s prior permission by means of express confirmation of acceptance.
5. LINKS TO THIRD PARTY CONTENTOD Hotels has no control over, nor does it accept any responsibility for, the information contained in third-party WebPages which are accessed via links. The presence of these links in the www.od-hotels.com webpage is of a purely informative nature and under no circumstance will it be considered to be a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of the said links.
6. GUARANTEE AND INTERRUPTION OF SERVICESOD Hotels does its utmost to maintain the continuity of the services and information offered through its www.od-hotels.com webpage. Nevertheless, it cannot guarantee the continuity and availability of these services in the future.
OD Hotels will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of any kind which may be attributable to the incorrect operation or lack of availability of the www.od-hotels.com webpage and its related communication systems, due to causes of force majeure or the interruption or interference in the information transference networks.
7. CONTACT INFORMATIONYou may get in contact with OD Hotels by the following methods:
In writing, addressed to
OD Hotels
Ocean Group
Ocean Hoteles e Inversiones, S.L.C/ Jaume I, 2nd Floor – 07817 Sant Jordi, Ibiza, Spain
E-mail : marketing@od-hotels.com
8. APPLICABLE JURISDICTIONThe OD Hotels.es webpage is governed by Spanish law, and in order to resolve any dispute that may arise with users, with respect to conditions of use and any other claim relating to the content and services of the webpage, these disputes will be submitted to the Judges and Courts of Ibiza, and will be interpreted in compliance with Spanish Law, the parties expressly renouncing their own jurisdiction or any other that may correspond to them.